GoHighLevel Features

GoHighLevel Domain Setup

Jasper Aiken
11 Jan 2022
5 min read

GoHighLevel Domain Setup

Feel free to attach your unique web address to any funnel, website, or membership site you build.

You can include a subdomain without cost if you'd rather not spend money.

Key Points:

  • Custom domains are available for all subscription plans.
  • The complete custom domain setup might take up to 48 hours.

GoHighLevel Domain Guidelines

Before you initiate the process of linking your domain with GoHighLevel, there are some prerequisites to consider.

Here are the domain requirements:

  • Custom domain – You can't buy custom domains directly on the platform, so you must use an external provider like GoDaddy.
  • Site or funnel – You must have a Funnel, Website, or Membership site on the platform to link your domain.
  • Any GoHighLevel subscription – All subscription plans allow you to establish a custom domain at no additional cost.

How to Add a Custom Domain to GoHighLevel (Root Domain)

Before you connect a domain to your site, you'll need to link the domain to your GoHighLevel account.

Here's how to add your CNAME record:


We'll use GoDaddy for this illustration since it's a popular domain provider. Even if you're using a different provider, the steps will be similar, so follow along.

  • From your GoDaddy dashboard, choose Domain Edit Options.
  • Next, click on Edit DNS.

  • Then, select Add.

  • Under the Type menu, click on CNAME.
  • Now, enter the required details:
  • Name: www (or any prefix you prefer)
  • Value: This name can be found under your Connect Existing Domain settings
  • TTL: Default


This process may take up to 48 hours to complete and be registered.

Now that your CNAME is set up, you can link your existing domain.

Here's the process:

  • From your GoHighLevel dashboard, choose Funnels and Memberships.
  • Click on the relevant site section (Funnels, Websites, and Memberships).


We use a membership site for this example, but the process is similar for all three.

  • Click on Settings.
  • Select Custom Domains.

  • Add your connected domain in the provided box.
  • Click Save.


It might take up to 15 minutes to enter the domain to be functional.

  • After 15 minutes, test it by entering your custom domain into your search engine; it should appear.

How to Set Up Your GoHighLevel Subdomain

If you prefer not to buy a custom domain, you can use a custom subdomain at no extra cost, and it can be set up quickly.

Here's how:

  • From the GoHighLevel navigation, select Funnels and Websites.
  • Choose the site where you want to add a subdomain (Funnels, Websites, or the Membership section).


As before, we'll use Membership for this example, but the process is almost the same for any option you choose.

  • Click on Settings and then select Site Details.
  • Enter your custom subdomain in the provided box.


This is a subdomain, so you'll still need to add the extension when searching or linking.


In conclusion, leveraging GoHighLevel for your business can be a game-changer, allowing you to seamlessly manage funnels, websites, and memberships with custom domains. To experience the full potential, I invite you to take advantage of a special 30-day trial period through my exclusive link. 

This trial grants you access to all the features and benefits and allows you to witness the transformative impact on your operations. Don't miss this chance to elevate your digital presence and streamline your processes. Click here to start your 30-day trial today and unlock a new era of efficiency for your business.


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