GoHighLevel Features

GoHighLevel Reputation Management Tools

Jasper Aiken
11 Jan 2022
5 min read

GoHighLevel Reputation Management Tools

Managing your online reputation is crucial to business success, and GoHighLevel provides a robust platform for handling this task seamlessly. Within the GoHighLevel platform, a feature dedicated to reputation management allows you to request, respond to, and analyze reviews manually or automatically through email or SMS.

The platform also facilitates the management of Google My Business and Facebook reviews, providing detailed analytics. For businesses based in the US, integration with Yext is possible, enabling monitoring reviews from various sources.

Here's a brief overview:

  • Easily handle reviews within the GoHighLevel platform.
  • Automate the review request process for efficiency.
  • Access and respond to Google My Business and Facebook reviews.
  • Integrate with Yext for a comprehensive review management solution.

Understanding GoHighLevel Reputation Management

Online reviews significantly influence a business's reputation in today's digital landscape. GoHighLevel simplifies this process by offering a dedicated space on its platform to manage Google and Facebook reviews, send out review requests, and respond to existing reviews. This central hub allows businesses to gauge their overall reputation and identify areas for improvement.

Benefits of GoHighLevel Reputation Management

With approximately 90% of online buyers relying on reviews before purchasing, maintaining a positive review score is paramount. GoHighLevel empowers businesses to increase positive reviews by proactively sending out review requests. This boosts the overall score and enhances credibility with the audience.

Swiftly addressing negative reviews is another advantage, as immediate resolution can lead to score adjustments if the customer is satisfied with the resolution. Additionally, a high volume of reviews helps identify areas for improvement in the business, such as customer service accessibility or pricing adjustments.

How to Utilize GoHighLevel Reputation Management

To make the most of GoHighLevel's reputation management feature, navigate to the Integrations tab and set up the Google My Business integration. For Facebook reviews, integrate GoHighLevel with your business page. The platform provides step-by-step instructions for a seamless setup process.

Sending Google review requests can be done manually by creating SMS and email templates in the Reputation Management settings. Alternatively, you can automate the process through workflows in the Automation tab, tailoring the requests to specific triggers.

Efficiently managing and responding to existing reviews is streamlined in the Reviews tab. The platform also offers comprehensive analytics, allowing businesses to track performance based on various metrics.

Embedding the Review Widget into web pages is made easy through customizable settings in the Reputation area. This widget showcases recent reviews on websites, sales funnels, or landing pages.

The GoHighLevel mobile app lets users view reputation stats and send review requests via email or SMS for on-the-go management. Integration with Yext enhances reputation management by ensuring up-to-date business details and reviews across multiple listing sites.

Seamless Integration with Yext

Yext, a third-party service integrated with GoHighLevel, expands reputation management capabilities across 150+ listing sites. Businesses can maintain accurate contact details and monitor reviews from sources beyond Google My Business and Facebook.

Setting up Yext involves a resale service option within GoHighLevel, accessible in sub-accounts. The monthly fee for Yext is fixed at $30, allowing businesses to set their resale prices. Once purchased, information is conveniently displayed under the Listings tab in the Reputation area.


In conclusion, taking control of your online reputation has always been challenging with GoHighLevel's powerful reputation management features. Take advantage of the opportunity to enhance your business's credibility and boost customer satisfaction. Experience the benefits firsthand by signing up for a 30-day trial period using my exclusive link. Click here to start your journey to a more robust online presence with GoHighLevel today! 


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